Welcome to Channie Fest, a fic fest dedicated to our best leader and favorite wolf boy, Bang Christopher Chan!


Plagiarism will absolutely not be tolerated.

Minimum word count is 2,000 words.

Feel free to mention that you are taking part in this fest, but please do not talk about your fics publicly before author reveals are posted.

NSFW prompts are allowed. Please be 18+ if you are planning on claiming and writing an NSFW prompt.

The fest collection will be on AO3 so please create an AO3 account and reach out to the mods if you need help with that.

The main ways to get in touch with the mod are through Twitter dms or through our CC if you have any requests or questions.

For more specific rules regarding prompting, please refer to the prompting page.


This fest welcomes any kind of prompts about and focusing on Chan. Any genre is welcome so long as Chan is the central focus of the prompt.

Both theme/au based and pairing based prompts are allowed. Other pairings are allowed to be included as a side pairing, but the central pairing or character must be Chan. The pairings can be platonic or romantic.

If possible, we would prefer you to not make the prompts overly specific as to allow authors more freedom with their creativity and writing. We hope that since Chan is the central focus of the prompt, you do not limit the other member(s) in the pairing, but it's also fine if you have a preference. If you do not have a specific member preference, please refer to them as Character A, Character B, etc.

We would like to be open to any kinds of prompts, including those with darker themes (graphic violence, major character death, etc.). However, the mod will be more strict with such prompts and will reach out to the prompter if the prompt is deemed inappropriate or too extreme. In addition, darker prompts will be put in a separate section of the prompt archive so that it will be easier for people to filter through prompts that they don't want to see. Sexualization of minors is not allowed.


EventTime Period
PromptingApril 17 - May 8
Prompt Archive OpensMay 10
ClaimingMay 14 - May 28
First Check-in (750 words)July 16
Second Check-in (1,500 words)September 19
Final DeadlineOctober 5
Posting BeginsOctober 7
Author RevealsOctober 13*

*Author reveals date subject to change depending on how many fics are completed by the posting date.

🐺 FAQ 🐺

Is there a minimum word count?
All works must have a word count of 2,000 or more.

Does the pairing need to be Chan x another SKZ member or are crossover ships (Chan x member from another group) allowed?
Yes, crossover ships are allowed so long as Chan is a central character in the prompt/fic.

Will you be giving extensions?
We are willing to accommodate extensions; however, these will be given on a limited basis and the length will be determined by how many fics we have ready to release. Please reach out to the mod as early as possible if you need an extension for any reason.

What if I have to drop out?
Although we would prefer you don't after you have claimed a prompt and committed to the fest, we understand that life can get in the way. Please let us know as early as possible either through dms or email and your prompt will be rereleased into the prompt archive.

Can I claim a dropped prompt?
Since we are on a fairly tight timeline, there won't be a second round of claiming. However, if a prompt is dropped during the claiming period, it will be rereleased into the prompt archive.

Any more specific questions can be sent to mod through our cc!